Ben Bumbry Riverview

Riverview Park - Quincy Park District

Ben Bumbry Riverview Park is located on 23 acres at 2nd & Chestnut Streets. This is one of three continuous parks with rock-lined roadways on Quincy’s north side.

One Basketball Court

Its main attraction is a breathtaking view of the Mississippi River. A statue of George Rogers-Clark overlooks the river.

Riverview Park - George Rogers-Clark - Quincy Park District

There is also a shelter house with picnic tables, grills, restrooms, basketball court and playground equipment.

Park Info

Restrooms: Yes


Riverview Playground - Quincy Park District
Playground Yes
Play Lot for Tots No
Restrooms Yes
Number of Shelters 1
Number of Gazebos 0
Grill Yes
Electric Yes
Water Yes
Address 1001 N. 2nd Street

See All Playgrounds  
To reserve a gazebo or shelter house, visit the Quincy Park District office at 1231 Bonansinga Dr. or call (217) 223-7703.


Shelter Dimensions 36 ft. x 52 ft., 1,872 sq. ft.
Picnic Tables 12
Grill Yes
Electric Yes
Water Yes
Playground Yes
Restrooms Yes

See All Shelters for Rent