Quinsippi Island

Quinsippi Island - Quincy Park District

Quinsippi Island has 130 scenic acres. To get there, go straight through All America Park, located at Front & Cedar Streets (the northwest corner of Quincy) and cross the bridge to reach this unique island park.

Boat docking and a marina are located within this park as well as one shelter houses with electric, grills and playground equipment. There is also a Log Cabin Village on the island.

Art Keller Marina is located in this park and slips are available for rental. Learn More ».

Quinsippi Island - Quincy Park District

Park Info

Restrooms: Yes


Playground Yes
Play Lot for Tots No
Restrooms Yes
Number of Shelters 2
Number of Gazebos 0
Grill Yes
Electric Yes
Water Yes
Address 1100 Quinsippi Island Road, Across from All America Park Bridge

See All Playgrounds  
To reserve a gazebo or shelter house, visit the Quincy Park District office at 1231 Bonansinga Dr. or call (217) 223-7703.


Quinsippi Small Shelter - Quincy Park District
Shelter Dimensions 34 ft. x 52 ft., 1,768 sq. ft.
Picnic Tables 10
Grill Yes
Electric Yes
Water Yes
Playground Yes
Restrooms Yes

See All Shelters for Rent