
Reservoir Park - Quincy Park District

Reservoir Park is located on 11 acres at 24th & Chestnut.

It features nine lighted tennis courts, where many city and school tennis tournaments are held. The historic stone shelter house was built in 1939 and includes picnic tables, electricity and a fireplace; playground equipment is close by. There is a lot of shade from trees and a wide open area.

8 Pickleball Courts with Ghost Lines
9 Tennis Court

Also, the site for Clarence “Candy” Greeman Tennis Center. Learn More »

Park Info

Restrooms: Yes


Reservoir Playgrounds - Quincy Park District
Playground Yes
Play Lot for Tots Yes
Restrooms Yes
Number of Shelters 1
Number of Gazebos 0
Grill Yes
Electric Yes
Water Yes
Address 2249 Chestnut Street, 24th and Chestnut

See All Playgrounds  
To reserve a gazebo or shelter house, visit the Quincy Park District office at 1231 Bonansinga Dr. or call (217) 223-7703.


Reservoir Shelter - Quincy Park District
Shelter Dimensions 40 ft. x 60 ft., 2,400 sq. ft.
Picnic Tables 16
Grill Yes
Electric Yes
Water Yes
Playground Yes
Restrooms Yes

See All Shelters for Rent